Tampa Bay Lightning

FRIDAY CONTEMPLATION: Honor & Impact Everybody who knows me knows that I LOVE hockey and the Tampa Bay Lightning. I’m a season ticket holder and attend a lot of games (I…

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Tom Petty Advent Truth Bomb

FRIDAY CONTEMPLATION: Advent kicks off the new year in the Christian calendar (yes, Christians have a calendar). It marks the 4 Sundays that precede Christmas. Read more about it here and…

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Thankful Thanksgiving

FRIDAY CONTEMPLATION: Thankful Thanksgiving Did you have a Turkey induced nap yesterday? I hope so. I bet that some of the over 40 servant volunteers did. They invested a part of…

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And Justice For All

FRIDAY CONTEMPLATION: JUSTICE FOR ALL When we think of the work of the church and faith communities we most often picture charity rather than justice. Serving people in need is beautiful and…

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The Best Cast Ever!

FRIDAY CONTEMPLATION: Gone Fishing When I was 5 years old, my grandfather took me fresh water fishing 5 times. We used worms and a bobber. During each of those outings, I…

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Don’t Look Away

FRIDAY CONTEMPLATION: Don’t turn away. Have you ever turned away from something that was painful to see or take in? Most of us have. In truth, most of us want to…

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Seeing Clearly

FRIDAY CONTEMPLATION. When I was 20, I tore a retina. My vision went from 20/20 to 20/13 vision (even better). But…… For 2 decades, my eyesight has slowly deteriorated. Every couple…

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Let’s Eat

There is power when people eat together. That’s something we have learned at The Portico’s 1001 Gathering. When we put our knees under tables, share a meal and have conversation,…

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Unity is beautiful, fragile, elusive, and complicated in the presence of diversity. But if unity forms around a common enemy, it’s profoundly simple. Creating unity in our time is difficult.…

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Hope your summer is as chill as my dog Karl. This is a photo of him while I was working this week. I returned from an epic vacation last Saturday…

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