Merry Christmas, Celebrate with us!

Friday Contemplation: Hard to believe we are 14 days from 2022. In our remaining days of 2021, I hope you reflect and celebrate the following: The Christmas Story, what God has done throughout this pandemic, and what we are called to do in 2022.

I can’t wait to see where we will go! But before start 2022, I hope you’ll celebrate Christmas either on 12/23 at Waterworks or 12/24 at Hyde Park. There’s also a special meal on Christmas Day at The Portico. Click here to read more about Christmas 2021 offerings.

The Rev. Justin LaRosa, LCSW

Director & Minister, The Portico[email protected]

O: 813.222.2299 | M: 813.444.2941

1001 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33602

Conversation. Connection. Community Change.

Websites for The Portico and The Portico Cafe.

The Portico Campus includes a neighborhood cafe, a historic chapel, spaces to meet and work, and an event space for the public that enhances the social, artistic, and spiritual fabric of Tampa through Conversation, Connection and Community Change!

The Portico Cafe is a social enterprise that offers people transitioning from homelessness, addiction, and incarceration–job training, employment ladders, and connections to safe, affordable housing.