Love INC – Redemptive Compassion study groups

Love In the Name of Christ (INC) can only serve others through the time, skills, and gifts of our volunteers. There are multiple ways that you can help others by volunteering with Love INC. Join a ministry team of Love INC, and be a part of an organized interdenominational response to our neighbors in need. Volunteers are asked to submit an application outlining their preferences as a volunteer and attend a two-hour orientation, held once a month or by appointment, if necessary. Help Center volunteers are given an opportunity to shadow experienced volunteers to understand our application, interview and verification process, and Resource Navigators will be paired with another Navigator to become comfortable with expectations, if requested.

Love INC applies the principles of Redemptive Compassion as we develop a relationship with our neighbors in need. These six principles guide all our interactions with our neighbors:

  1. We see everyone’s value
  2. We are willing to invest relationally
  3. We work to help everyone achieve their God given potential
  4. We require mutual participation and contribution from those we serve
  5. We respond with wisdom and discernment to allow God to work in their lives
  6. We serve in ways to transform the individual, volunteers, churches and larger community.

The study group is a 7-week small group discussion on these principles and how developmental compassion is different than charity compassion.

Volunteers are needed 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. weekdays; classes are offered monthly. For more information or to volunteer, email Ann Doyle.
