Let’s discover the new normal together.
Friday Contemplation: Resilient Reorientation. For almost 2 years, the pandemic has created uncertainty, fear, death, division, distrust, and skepticism for the whole world. It has changed everything. Everything we know has been impacted, which has created massive disorientation. Yet, it appears that we are beginning to emerge to find a new normal (I almost didn’t type this last sentence).
Walter Brueggemann is an Old Testament scholar who says that there are three different life experiences: Orientation, Disorientation, and Reorientation. Finding a new normal is another way of saying Reorientation. It acknowledges that while we long for a return to what once was, it can’t be. We must create something new, we must practice resilient reorientation. I’ll be preaching on the Nehemiah text about this on Sunday. I hope you’ll join me at 9:30 or 11 at the Hyde Park location or online.
We have been doing the difficult work of reorienting at our three locations: Hyde Park, Online, and The Portico. We are growing. If you feel called to be a part, join a small group, or serve through the Spiritual Community, simply respond to this email and I’ll be in touch next week.
Let’s reorient together as we create a new normal.
You are Loved.
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