Porch Gathering: “Missional Community” Chats

Porch Gathering: “Missional Community” Chat Series 10:30 a.m. Fourth Sundays  The Portico You’re invited to join our Fourth Sunday summer chats. This is a gathering of folks with a heart and vision to cultivate our missional community. During the Porch Gatherings, we’ll build relationships with each other through engaging conversation and centering contemplative practices (aka…

Art + Open Mic Night | Fourth Friday


The Portico Cafe FREE & Open to Public The Portico Cafe is back this month welcoming local artists to share their talents with downtown Tampa during this special Fourth Friday event. ABOUT OPEN MIC NIGHT Acoustic musicians, poets and performers are welcome to perform and collaborate. Limited 15 minute sets available. Performers sign-up here: https://bit.ly/37dOxWP **…

H.O.P.E Storytelling Lunch

12 Noon Sunday, Sept. 26 The Community Hall FREE & Open to Public How are you, a loved one, or someone you know being impacted by one of these community problems - the lack of quality affordable housing; an arrest as an adult for a minor offense; negative law enforcement interactions/racial profiling; or mental health…