Do you want to be made well?

FRIDAY CONTEMPLATION: What’s your answer?

The last few weeks I have been watching The Chosen series on Prime Video. It’s about the life of Jesus. I highly recommend it. One episode depicts John 5, when Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath (a no-no). The man has been paralyzed for 38 years, doesn’t have hope, and is looking for healing in the wrong places. He asks, “Do you want to be made well?”

Imagine Jesus asks you this important question. Do you know the places where you need healing? Have you invited God in?

A few Joe groups dug into this question this week. I witnessed a deep level of sharing. Come to the 1001 Gathering Sunday at 10:01 a.m. and we will explore this together. The picture is the location where the man was healed. We are headed to the Holy Land in January 2024 (info below).

Events & Info meeting:

  1. Holy Land Trip 2024 with Justin: Info meetings are 12:15 p.m., Sunday, May 21, Hyde Park… 6 p.m., Tuesday, May 23, Portico Cafe (Zoom too).
  2. Find your place to serve. Opportunities include: volunteer musicians (drummers, bassists, and singers), Portico Kids, Hospitality, and the Cafe. Interest Form.

6 YEARS: Today is the 6 year anniversary of the The Portico Cafe! Hear the story and impact on Saturday, May 20 at 4 p.m. during The Second Chance Documentary film. Tickets are $5 and seating is limited. Get tickets. Proceeds benefit The Portico Cafe.

You are Loved!
