What Dreams May Come

When I began to think about this week’s cover letter, I was in a more optimistic space.
I was ready to share a great discovery I had just made about one of my favorite movies: What Dreams May Come.
My dad and I would often watch this movie on a lazy Florida afternoon. It was a masterpiece in cinematography–in 1998.
And despite my love for this epic tale of limitless love, I just recently discovered the connections to Dante’s Inferno.
It’s brilliant!
Earlier this week my heart was lighter. Despite the dismal developments in Buffalo, NY and Laguna Woods, CA, I wanted to keep things light.
Then a young man, nearly a child himself, shot and killed 19 elementary school children in Texas.

We Can’t Give Up

Now, it’s quite difficult to see the light, and I’m wondering, “what circle of hell is this”?
Sometimes darkness can draw out great genius. Dante Alighieri wrote his masterpiece during his banishment from Florence, never seeing his wife again. It is now one of the world’s greatest literary works.
Right now we need a great genius. Right now we need a hero.
It is my most earnest prayer for our nation to find a guide to pull us out of this inferno and into a more peaceful celestial space.
We all must fight for the love of humanity.
I know not what the future holds or what dreams may come. As Robin William’s character proclaimed in this film, “it’s not about understanding, it’s about not giving up“.


Chalette M. Davis
Events & Missions
The Portico
[email protected]
O: 813.222.2299 | M: 813.951.6974
1001 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33602
Conversation. Connection. Community Change.

P.S. Be sure to check out our new Community Hall art installation, “The Virgil Series” by artist Thomas Murray.