What Are You Here For?

Have you ever answered our post-it wall question?
Upon entry into The Cafe you are encountered by a question.
Your answer is then affixed to a plexiglass wall for all to see–as they compose their sub-sequent answers.
It’s actually quite thought-provoking.
This question provides you with an intellectual exercise as you wait for your morning cup of caffeinated fuel.

What is Your Mission?
For many of us the summer is a time for strategic planning for our organizations and businesses.
But what about for yourself, your life?
What are your plans for this life or even this season of life?
What is your mission?
In this season of my life, my mission is about creating moments of joy, happiness and, most importantly, enlightenment–not only for myself, but also for many others. This may even be my life-long mission.
Scroll below to check out a few upcoming events that will inspire a bit of joy in your life.
Please stop by The Cafe and offer up a post-it for our wall.
Have a cup of our Portico Blend and let’s get focused on our missions.


Chalette M. Davis
Events & Missions
The Portico
[email protected]
O: 813.222.2299 | M: 813.951.6974
1001 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33602
Conversation. Connection. Community Change.

Read more here.