What to Do About Justice? The Justice Group

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The Justice Group is a gathering of people who engage in advocacy and awareness around important issues of justice in our community. The ways for you to engage:

  • Participate in H.O.P.E. (please click the hyperlink), The Hillsborough Organization of Progress and Equality. More information is below. Email Ann for more info.
  • Serve on the Community Events Team. We will organize, coordinate, and partner with other organizations to hold events around justice. Email Justin for more info.
  • Join a Learning Group – In addition to the larger events held at The Portico, throughout the year, there will be short term small groups that will invite exploration, connection and discussion around our own biases and justice issues that matter.
  • Attend the Community Events about racial reconciliation or other justice topics. These will be planned with the Community Events Team and other partners.

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  1. Listen: We listen to our members in one-on-one meetings and “house meetings”  in order to surface community problems for research and action. The listening process also serves to invite more people to become a part of the justice ministry.
  2. Research: We research the problems to identify workable solutions. HOPE meets with stakeholders and policy makers as well as dives into data that relates to the issue(s).
  3. Gather: We gather a large number of people, in order to show our supportive power and attract the attention of the decision-makers who can implement the solutions we are requesting.
  4. Follow Up: We follow-up on the public commitments made by the decision-makers in order to ensure that there is action to address the problem by implementing the requested solutions.
