The Dog Days are Almost Done!

Hot enough for ya?
Well of course we can barely stand it. The sunscreen I plaster on my face every morning begins to melt away as soon as I walk from the car to the office.
The “Dog Days” of summer begin in the U.S. on July 3 and thankfully end August 11. Ancient astronomers associated these days with the constellation Sirius, the dog star.

Creatures of Habit
I am a simple girl–a creature of habit. Everyday, even in the dog days, I get up and make myself a cup of hot coffee.
Lately, I’m trying teas instead of coffee. So I recently ordered a Chai Latte from The Portico Cafe“Would you like that iced?” said Mindi.
It was like this woman was a genius. “Um, yeah!” The drink was cool and delicious, and I’ve been trying iced coffees and drinks all month. Today I had a refreshing Pomegranate Tea.
Let’s stop to think about all the creature comforts we may enjoy during these dog days.
Now think about those to live outside, take the bus or even walk for transportation.
Hillsborough County is currently working on an action plan to give these folks relief. There is more to come regarding Hot Weather Shelters.
Let’s hope that these dog days are almost done. If not, let’s pray that this life-saving service is provided expeditiously.

Thank you for listening,

Chalette M. Davis
Events & Missions
The Portico
[email protected]
O: 813.222.2299 | M: 813.951.6974
1001 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33602
Conversation. Connection. Community Change.

Our Portico Team Leader, Keather Snyder, wrote an awesome blog post for her company on leadership.
Guess who she included on her list for “Revolutionary Leadership”. It’s our very own Mindi Vaugh.
This story was so good was featured in The Tampa Bay Chamber’s newsletter. Way to go Keather and Mindi!
Click here for the blog.