The 1001 Gathering: 10:01 a.m. at 1001 N. Florida Ave.
Weekly Time: 10:01 a.m. at 1001 N. Florida Ave. and lasts 1 hour.
Who’s it for?: People seeking spiritual connection in a non-traditional setting, or who have struggled with church or never connected with a worship community in the past. They could be new and long-time followers of Jesus, people in recovery, those who might need recovery, others struggling with faith, agnostics, skeptics, and people exploring the idea of a higher power. We are about reaching new people in new ways.
Purpose: To Make God's Love Real through conversation, connection, and community change through worship in a non-conventional way (scripture, meditation, testimony, serving, and knees under tables). We are creating a multi-cultural gathering and connection of faith backgrounds, ages, races, and socio-economic situations.
Gathering Format: There's music, meditation, and conversation around a scripture. Once a month there will be a meal together (potluck/brunch). Once a month there is a Community Meal with people experiencing homelessness.
NOTE: While there isn't a traditional sermon, there is short message by the clergy. God speaks through our conversations around the tables as well as the large group discussion
How can I be involved? The Gathering is community/volunteer led, which means the musicians, tech, meditation, hospitality, and serve teams are servant volunteers. There is a place for you. Send an email [email protected] or fill out the info at
Children: Portico Kids will have engaging activities that include meditation/yoga and scripture where kids can grow and have fun. Kids are also welcome in the gathering. Staff and volunteers are background checked and screened.
Clergy: Rev Justin will lead and plan this Gathering with the Portico Leadership Team; and be present the majority of Sundays. Occasionally he will preach at the Hyde Park location.
Our church community is diverse. It includes people from different backgrounds and faith traditions. There are folks in recovery, those who might need recovery, other struggling with faith, new and long-time followers of Jesus, agnostics, skeptics, and people exploring the idea of a higher power. Many are seeking spiritual connection in a non-traditional setting, or have been dissatisfied with, or burned in the past by a church.
We agree not to make assumptions about others and challenge ourselves to be open and sensitive. We don't assume fluency in the Bible and do our best to explain churchy jargon and language.
We gather to build relationships in this Sunday gathering through conversation, contemplative practice, and authenticity. We gather in groups throughout the week and intentionally serve the city and world in ways that address equality, housing insecurity, and economic challenge.
We do all of this because we have come to find that the message of Jesus is not for Christianity, but for humanity. And as such, we strive together to Make God’s Love Real to others through Conversation, Connection, and Community Change.