Seeing Clearly


When I was 20, I tore a retina. My vision went from 20/20 to 20/13 vision (even better). But…… For 2 decades, my eyesight has slowly deteriorated. Every couple of years, I need a stronger prescription. And when I put on new glasses, it is refreshing and invigorating.


The Portico Leadership Team has received a new pair of stronger glasses.

Since the pandemic commenced, the Team has been praying and discerning how to embark on next steps. And slowly, things have been coming into focus. One thing that we’ve always known, but better see, is who we are trying to connect with through the 1001 Gathering. We are called to reach people seeking spiritual connection in a non-traditional setting, or who have struggled with church or never connected with a worship community in the past. They could be new and long-time followers of Jesus, people in recovery, those who might need recovery, others struggling with faith, agnostics, skeptics, and people exploring the idea of a higher power. We are about reaching new people in new ways. And not only that, we are clear about the purpose and format. Can’t wait to see you on Sept 11 at 10:01!


  1. 1001 Gathering Goes Weekly
  2. Serve and Groups
  3. Event Calendar

1001 Gathering Goes Weekly.

Excited to be about a month away from weekly launch of The 1001 Gathering weekly. The format is different but intentionally created to build and grow relationships. If you are interested in being a part of this life changing community. Join us: email me.

Purpose: To Make God’s Love Real through conversation, connection, and community change through worship in a non-conventional way (scripture, meditation, testimony, serving, and knees under tables). We are creating a multi-cultural gathering and connection of faith backgrounds, ages, races, and socio-economic situations.

Gathering Format: There’s music, meditation, and conversation around a scripture. Once a month there will be a meal together (potluck/brunch). Once a month there is a Community Meal with people experiencing homelessness. 

NOTE: There’s isn’t a sermon. God will speak through our conversations around the tables. 

Children: Portico Kids will have engaging activities that include meditation/yoga and scripture where kids can grow and have fun.

Clergy: I will lead and plan this Gathering with the Portico Leadership Team; and be present the majority of Sundays. Occasionally, I will preach at the Hyde Park location.

Serve 1x/month

  • Hospitality
  • Monthly Community Meal


  • Art & Open Mic Night | 6 p.m. Friday, August 26
  • EJI Memorial Marker Dedication | 10 a.m. Monday, August 29

HOPE “House Meeting” Listening Sessions

Save the date, plan to attend, and invite someone who you know cares about things like affordable housing, criminal justice, and addiction and mental health. The “house meetings” surface community problems for research and action; and invites new people to become a part of the justice ministry.

For more info on upcoming events –

Remember, you are loved.