Over the Rainbow

How can a heart be so heavy, yet so hopeful?
This past Sunday my Coco, my fur-baby of nearly 12 years, passed away. It all happened so quickly. I’m grateful he didn’t suffer.
Coco was diagnosed with cancer over two years ago, and the vets gave me no hope for his survival at the time.
But my baby lived over two more years–a boxer breed miracle.
Now he’s over the rainbow.

My heart, no matter how heavy, remains full of hope.

Hope is the promise of tomorrow. It is having the faith that you will find, give and spread love in this world while you have the ability to do it.
I invite you to inspire hope, encounter joy and spread love in our downtown community this month. There are many ways to gather together and fill our hearts:

6:30 a.m. Sun., Apr. 17 | Sunrise Service at Water Works Park

6 p.m. Fri., Apr. 22 | Art + Open Mic Night at The Portico Cafe

7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Sat., Apr. 30 | BIG Habitat Build Day

My Coco never met a stranger. He literally loved his neighbors. He inspired a special joy and happiness in everyone he’d meet.

In my heavy heart there are spaces of hope where I believe my good boy is waiting patiently for his mommy–somewhere over the rainbow.


Chalette M. Davis
Events & Missions
The Portico
[email protected]
O: 813.222.2299 | M: 813.951.6974
1001 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33602
Conversation. Connection. Community Change.

P.S. Join me this Sunday for an Easter Sunrise Service filled with love, joy and hope in every color of the rainbow.

Read more here.