Christmas 2022: CELEBRATE & SERVE

December is a big birthday month for our family. My children, Bella and Russell have birthdays that fall just before and just after Christmas. We have been celebrating early.

CELEBRATE: As Christmas approaches, let’s remember to celebrate God coming to Earth. I invite you to think about what it means for you and the world. Celebrate by attending and inviting a friend to any of the different services next week.

And if you are not feeling the cheer or joy of the season, consider:

  • The Blue Christmas Service (aka the Longest Night) on Dec 21 at 7 p.m. at Hyde Park.

SERVE: Serving others often comes from an experience of grace and remembering gratitude. Here’s how you can serve this season:

  1. Invite your friends, neighbors, colleagues who don’t have a church. Christmas is a fantastic time to invite people to experience spiritual community. I believe that Hyde Park and The Portico offer the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ in important and powerful ways (not better than other church, just different). Invite others to experience what you have found. Who will you invite to Christmas in The Park?
  2. Serve in Hospitality. Offering a warm smile and a welcoming presence can make a serious difference for someone new. Coming to a church service can be intimidating. Make it an amazing experience from the street to the seat. There are LOTS of opportunities. Sign up Here.SIGN UP HERE. We are looking for 3-4 to help set up at WaterWorks (arrive at 5 p.m. at Portico 12/23) and a few more for greeting (arrive at 5:45 at WaterWorks).
  3. The Christmas Day Meal. Get “knees under tables” with friends and neighbors who are unsheltered or hungry, and who who may not have a place to go on Christmas. The Portico from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. for folks
  4. Submit 2023 Estimate Of Giving (EOG). If you believe in the work of The Portico and Hyde Park, please submit an EOG. No matter the size, your investment supports the work and the mission.


This Sunday we will be looking at a passage from Isaiah. If you or someone you know is looking for spiritual community, join us at 10:01 a.m.


  • Community Meal  | 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. | Sun, Dec. 11 | Portico
  • Christmas in The Park | 6:30 p.m. | Fri, Dec. 23 | Waterworks Park
  • Christmas Day Meal  | 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. | Sun, Dec 25 | Portico

You are loved!
