Can’t Stop. Won’t Stop.

Forward March!
Have you begun to hit your stride towards your 2022 goals?
As you set your hands, minds and feet to work toward these goals, how are you experiencing joy in the midst of it all?
I used to be quite the goal-setter. I would make lists, journal-entries and even cassette recordings of the things I’d want to accomplish any given day or year.

It was always satisfying to cross things off the list; but I would always find more to do. It made me very unhappy.

I’ve since freed myself of my previous type-A tendencies. I now often meditate on the big goals I have for my life. It’s a way of offering it up to The Universe and freeing my heart of over-achieving anxieties.

Youth is fleeting and life is short. So I keep my annual resolutions short and sweet:
Drink more water.
Wear more sunscreen.
Take more selfies.

There is joy in the journey. I pray that you remain focused on your-every-hope for 2022.

May you experience happiness every step of the way.

Chalette M. Davis
Events & Missions
The Portico
[email protected]
O: 813.222.2299 | M: 813.951.6974
1001 N. Florida Ave., Tampa, FL 33602
Conversation. Connection. Community Change.