A missional church that is diverse, inclusive, & impactful

The 1001 Gathering

Sunday mornings at 10:01 am are designed for people to grow in their love for God, others, the city, and the world. Our mission is to Make God's Love Real through conversation, connection, and community change.

We sing, practice silence (contemplation), discuss a Scripture around tables, and celebrate communion. God speaks through the facilitated conversations. While there is no 20 minute sermon, Pastor Justin delivers a short message that inspires and is practical.

Portico Kids is available from 9:45 to 11:01 a.m. Portico Kids has clean, safe, and an age-appropriate environment that fosters learning about Jesus.

The 1001 Gathering is a diverse and inclusive. It is an experience for people seeking spiritual connection in a non-traditional setting, who have struggled with church, or who have never connected with a worship community in the past. We are a community of new and long-time followers of Jesus, people in recovery, those who might need recovery, others struggling with faith, agnostics, skeptics, and people exploring the idea of a higher power. We are about reaching new people in new ways and connecting to the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ.